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Talent reviews & successieplanning

As a manger or HR department, do you know where the best talent can be found in your organisation today? For succession planning or growth trajectories, it is handy to keep track of whose performance is low, average or above average. Our talent review module is a perfect fit for this requirement. Our user-friendly software is constantly evolving, providing optimum support for your HR department

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HR Software - Talent management en successieplanning

Measure the qualities of your work force

Keep an eye on your high potentials with your talent tools

A user-friendly solution

Where are people fizzing with motivation and who is contributing too little to the team? This is crucial knowledge for the growth of your company. Our talent review module, based on the 9-box, visualises individual potential and performance. Recruiters, HR staff and managers can easily collect information per team member. This module is only accessible to HR and management and gives your business a perfect overview of where its talent is located. Putting enough effort into talent management creates an internal atmosphere in which your staff feel supported, motivated and challenged. Thanks to the insight into your personnel files and the development of individual employees, the company will grow too. Moreover, through centralising and updating staff talent, feedback and ambition, you can respond to the unforeseen absence of team members owing to e.g. illness or the departure of colleagues.

  • Overview with 9-box
  • Yardstick for pay increases
  • Unlimited feedback
  • Quick to add
  • Support in appraisals
  • Key role for HR
HR Software - Talent management
Optimaliseer uw personeelsbestand en hun talenten, maak een afspraak met Epowerhr.


The following advantages distinguish us from the competition.

  • Overview with 9-box

9-box is a matrix with nine levels that display an individual’s potential and performance, opening up discussion. To what extent is the employee meeting the pre-defined objectives? Does he or she have the right competences? Does he or she have a clear ambition to grow? Based on these questions, your management can add to the profile.

  • Yardstick for pay increases

Do staff come asking for a pay rise, or is there someone with a lot of potential you would like to reward? As an HR officer, you can consult the talent management tool and check e.g. how an employee has been performing and what feedback they received. Based on this, managers and HR can make an informed decision as to whether the person has earned an extra incentive for good performance.

  • Unlimited feedback

You can add as much feedback as you like. We can guide you through installing various factors on the platform, such as: willing to learn, open to feedback, handling ambiguity, influencing skills, result-driven, capacity for critical thinking, decisiveness, cultural fit and employee ambitions. Consult a single quality or take a broad view of an employee’s whole personal file.

  • Quick to add

Evolutions, successful projects, compliments, etc. You can quickly and easily add all this feedback from colleagues or clients to your staff’s profiles. The online platform – with its personal notepad – replaces the talent review exercise in Excel or on paper. You can enjoy a quick and clear follow-up without losing anything.

  • Support in appraisals

Our talent review tool is eminently suitable for carrying out well-founded appraisals. All the feedback added relates to current situations and cases and provides an insight into how the employee is performing and functioning on a daily basis.

  • Key role for HR

The Epowerhr talent review module does not replace any physical people in your organisation. The HR team remains responsible for commencing the talent reviews and encouraging managers to regularly fill in the files and update them. Supported by the tool, the results are discussed in the interim and approved by management, HR and colleagues.


  • Question forms

Prepare a question form, test it and share it with managers.

  • Talent pools

HR can launch a talent management exercise with a specific group of staff.

  • Cascade questioning

The questions are entered by the manager and the hierarchy above them. Deviations in assessment between different managers are neatly tracked.

  • Visual display

Gain an accurate insight into your workforce thanks to the visual display in 9-box. This supports peer reviews and consultation with HR and all managers concerned.

  • Opens up debate

The tool is a good starting point for individual or collective conversations around having the right people in the right place within the organisation.

  • Set-up & follow-up action plan

Create structured action plans and follow them up with ease. This keeps you up to date with the current workforce and prepares you for how it might look in the future.